Tuesday 6 March 2012

Liebster Award

I just found out that a wonderfully kind blogger has awarded me with this:

Wow....thanks so very much to Jan R. from Huh. So this is a blog for honouring me with this award.  Go check out her blog...she is too funny.

Okay, so now onto the rules. And they are......

The Liebster Award’s aim is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers. If you are selected, you are meant to do the following.
  1. Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster to (they must have less than 200 followers).
  2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. List the bloggers you are giving this award to with links to their sites.
  5. Best of all, have fun and share the love!
Here are the five I would like to send the award off to:

1.  Bridget at Bridget's Paper Blessings.....card maker extraordinaire.
2.  Carolyn at Welcome to My Blog.....fabulous scrapbooking pages, cards and other projects.
3.  Joanne at Scrapping Outside the Lines...more amazing scrapbooking pages and lots of inspirations.
4.  Melanie at melanie deasy.....cute cards and great photos.
5.  Cathy at Fong Crafty Place.....just simply amazing!!

I hope you can find some 'snippets' of time to go and check out these beauties.  It will be worth the visit.
I am so very grateful to all the support and to everyone that has signed up to be a follower...WOW!! 
Hope you have a great day.  Will be back soon with a card.


Bridget said...

Yay! Thankyou, thankyou...and now I'd like to thank everyone who's ever had a part in my card making journey, sniff, sniff...this is too fun, Karen. Seriously, thanks for a laugh and your friendship, you're a SWEETIE!!!!

Darcy said...

Karen, I can't imagine you will have less than 200 followers for long!